Team Clothing & Textile
We are building a castle! With the tools and methods of the 11th century. At first glance, you might think mainly of blacksmiths and carpenters with their tools of the trade… But what did all these people have in common, no matter what craft they practised? They all had to eat and drink and of course they had to dress. What clothes did people wear in the 11th century?
What materials were available to them? How did they protect themselves against the wet and cold or the heat? How important was clothing and was there already a “fashion consciousness”?
In the Clothing and Textiles working group, we deal with everything to do with clothing and its manufacture. Our current goal is to create a kit guide in which we want to record and summarise our findings. This kit guide is intended to serve as a guideline for our club members and other Living History actors, enabling them to put together their own medieval outfits and make them themselves. To this end, we are looking at textile finds and pictorial sources from the 11th century. We will look at the materials that were used, the weaving of fabrics, sewing techniques and the cut of clothing. We want to create a realistic picture of how people were dressed in the 11th century, beyond all the romance of medieval markets.
In September 2024, we had a workshop with textile archaeologist Katrin Kania, who ran a sewing course with us and gave us a good overview of the basic knowledge about clothing in the 11th century. We are currently sewing our first garments! Naturally made from 100% wool and 100% by hand. The dresses and tunics will then be worn at the information stands.

For 2025, we are planning internal courses in needle tying and board weaving. We will visit other projects and museums together. In February 2025, for example, we are travelling to Bamberg to visit the exhibition “1000 years ago – life at the court of Cunegonde and Henry”. We are also in contact with textile archaeologists who provide us with advice, we are constantly expanding our stock of specialist literature and making new contacts with textile craftspeople.
Later on, the processing of wool and flax, spinning and plant dyeing and the weaving of fabrics will also be a topic. This will result in close cooperation with the other working groups, above all AG Pflanzen.
Jewellery, belts, shoes and headgear are also part of our work. We want to investigate clothing in winter, protection from the sun in summer, religious customs and taboos. As well as everyday things like mending and repairing damaged clothing.
You are very welcome to join the clothing and textiles working group! Regardless of whether you already have experience in one of these diverse areas or would like to try out and learn something new. We currently meet once a month and look forward to welcoming everyone who wants to join us.