Förderverein Burg Hofraite e.V. in Büdingen   

Participate – a brief overview

With the aim of creating a castle with outbuildings as well as an orchard, herb and vegetable gardens in around 10 to 15 years, we need active help and support. And that already today! We have already been working intensively on all important topics for 2 years. The clothing working group held a workshop with textile archaeologist Katrin Kania in September 2024. The planning group is currently working on building techniques/building styles of the 11th century in our region.
So, there is already a lot to do!

Once all administrative issues and expert opinions have been clarified and approved by the regional council, the first measures can be started. As detailed in the concept, we will adhere to the initial structural planning and find out how and who will take over the documentation of the work. Completion of the smithy, building hut, a first settlement house and a large herb garden is planned for the opening of the intermunicipal Oberhessen State Garden Show in 2027. The first preparatory work will begin here in 2025. In the subsections, we have tried to divide the project into 3 areas.

Bärnau-Tachov History Park during one of our 2024 excursions

We have received many emails and messages over the last 2 years asking whether membership is absolutely necessary and whether you can really ‘join in’.

Yes, you can and should actively ‘join in’ and participate in the project! That is a major goal of our organisation. Because only when there are many of us can we achieve something great! As a member, we enable you to take part in excursions and workshops. You have access to the association’s own library, which currently has over 90 copies of specialised books and documentation. We provide grants or cover the costs incurred for information events/medieval festivals. Provide our tents for storage. You get the latest information at first hand, are invited to meetings and regulars’ tables … so there’s a lot to be said for membership 🙂

If you would like to visit us to try your hand at blacksmithing, ropemaking, sewing or working with a carpenter, membership of the association is not necessary at first. Later on, however, it will be necessary for insurance reasons. We have worked out a very comprehensive insurance policy for our members with the insurance company from Germany. Membership is therefore always a good decision.

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Contact us – and join in

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